How Can We Help?

At Manheim Area Water and Sewer Authority, we are dedicated to delivering safe and reliable water and wastewater services in Manheim Borough, portions of Penn and Rapho Townships in Lancaster County, PA.

Stay Informed with MAWSA

We strive to be your go-to resource for all water and sewer-related information. Whether you have questions about board meetings, water and sewer rates, or local projects impacting our community, we’re here to help. We provide comprehensive information on permits, water quality, hydrant flushing, and more. Stay informed with our updates and access all the forms and details you need.


Explore our FAQ section for answers to common questions about water and sewer bills, service setup, autopay options, board meetings, and more. Find the information you need quickly and easily.


Access essential forms for various needs, including applications, permits, and requests under the Right-to-Know Law. Find everything from waste hauler permits to military active-duty relief forms.

  • Applications
  • General Forms
  • Sewer Permit
  • Water Permit
  • Third Party Applications

Get In Touch

Have questions or concerns? Can’t find what you need? Contact the Manheim Area Water and Sewer Authority. We’re committed to keeping you informed and supported!

Customer Web Portal

Access to the CWP allows you to view account history, pending and posted account transactions, and more. There are two ways accounts can be set to access on our CWP. These include Direct Account Setting and Alternate Account setting. Learn more and register by clicking the button below.


Manheim Area Water & Sewer Authority (MAWSA) is a small, self-operating, non-PUC regulated, municipal water and wastewater Authority supplying approximately 3,100 water and 2,300 wastewater customers in the Manheim area (Manheim Borough, and portions of Penn and Rapho Townships, in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania). Incorporated on October 26, 1939, our mission is “to provide safe and reliable water and wastewater services in an efficient, cost effective and environmentally friendly manner resulting in a high level of satisfaction among our customers.”

We are run by an appointed Board of 7. There are 5 representatives from Manheim Borough, 1 from Penn Township, and 1 from Rapho Township. The board members make up several committees, and oversee an administrative and service team, as well as partner with professional service entities to fulfill the mission “to provide safe and reliable water and wastewater services in an efficient, cost effective and environmentally friendly manner resulting in a high level of satisfaction among our customers.”

Make a Payment Today

Pay your bill today or learn more about how MAWSA accepts a variety of payment types, including; online (ACH, eCheck, and credit card), cash, check, and money order.