Essential MAWSA Customer Forms
Access key resources and forms to manage your services, request information and assistance.
Assistance Programs
From time to time the Authority is made aware of assistance programs. When we are, they will be listed below.
- PAHAF Utility Assistance Program Participation Guide
- Program Re-Opening March 18, 2024
- Act 91 Homeowner Assistance in Effect Until PAHAF Begins
- PA 2-1-1
- Love, Inc. Lancaster
- Final for Deed Transfer/Closing/Final/Settlement Request
- Not for Re-Fi Balance Confirmation – Please contact us for Re-Fi Balance Confirmations
- Right-to-Know Requests
- To obtain access to information under the Pennsylvania Right-to-Know Law (RTKL), you may submit the RTKL form via email, mail, drop off, or fax the Agency Open Records Officer (“AORO”) at: Agency Open Records Officer, Candace Hoover. RTKL requests are not considered submitted if sent to anyone other than at the contact information above. RTKL document requests are for public records, unless subject to an exemption from disclosure under the RTKL. Also, in the event of an appeal to the Office of Open Records (OOR) from an agency denial of a RTKL request, the OOR may consider the request, the appeal and any other records to be public.
- Tenant Update Form
- Also used for Tenant related Move In/Out/Final Form
Aquatics are fun. For information on keeping your water activities safe visit:
For information about filling your pool, please continue reading…
The Authority will again permit owners of pools to have a reduction of their sewer bills, related to the amount of water used during non-drought periods. (No pools shall be filled from Authority water supplies during a declared drought.) The reduction will be in the form of forgiveness for the sewage portion of the bill directly related to the amount of water used, subject to the approval of the sewer provider, provided the property owner(s) comply with the following:
- Pools must have a current registration on file for the present pool season prior to any fills. Please scroll to the bottom of the page and click email to inquire if your pool is already registered, or to request a registration form. Failure to include all of the requested information will result in either a delay of the process, or a denial of requests for reductions.
- If you need to register, the form will require a certification by the property owner(s) signature(s) that pool filling and draining will be conducted according to the Authority’s Rules and Regulations, and any related Borough or Township regulations.
- After registration is complete (or confirmed) the owner must contact MAWSA prior to filling or topping-off a pool with a current pre-fill meter reading. Please use the exact meter reading on the meter, decimal and ending digits included. (Ex. 5249863.07). Meter reading or photo of meter reading may be texted to 717-665-2737, emailed to, or called in the office. (If we cannot answer your call you must leave a message with the reading in the general voicemail box.)
- After filling the pool, you must provide the exact post-fill meter reading via either method listed above. Contacting before, and after, is important for auditing purposes. You may not receive the sewer credit if you wait to send in both readings until after the fill is complete.
- Delinquent accounts will not be eligible for sewer credits.
- Failure to comply with these provisions will be viewed as a violation of Authority polices and rules and regulations. As such, repeated violations will result in your forfeiture of the rate reduction benefit.
- Attention Penn Township Residents: Penn Township credits will be issued per occurrence over 1000 gallons, for the exact whole digit gallon amount used. No credits will be issued for activity involving less than 1000 gallons in a single fill.
- Please note Manheim Borough & Rapho Township credits will be issued per occurrence over 500 gallons, for the exact whole digit gallon amount used. No credits will be issued for activity involving less than 500 gallons in a single fill.
For example:
- Meter Readings: 26748.52 to 27421.32 for use of 672.80 gallons. Sewer credit: 673 gallons.
- Meter Readings: 26748.52 to 27223.52 for a use of 475 gallons. No sewer credit.
Helpful Resources
Manheim Borough, Penn & Rapho Townships
Realtors assisting with the processing of sales.
Service connections are surveyed prior to transfer. Surveys are good for 5-years. Your title/transfer company should submit this form to MAWSA as soon as a closing date is reached to allow time to schedule a survey if one is needed.
Properties that are not up to code may require repairs. The buyer and seller should be made aware of this via the survey as part of their transaction.

Contractors & Developers
Work in the service area does require permitting.
Occupied spaces that require water and sewer are permitted an EDU per premise. For example, a structure with a business, and 2 rental units would have 3 premises on the parcel. Reach out to our team about permitting needs if you are considering adding or splitting into premises.
Property Managers & Landlords
Resources for utility billing for your tenants.
Tenant Contact Info
Contact information may be provided, or updated, via this form.
Final Reads
Billing cycles are the 20th to the 20th of each month. A mid-cycle bill can be run for a tenant moving in, or out, at no additional charge. To do so, fill out this form.
Service Discontinuance
Bill Issue | 1st of the Month |
Bill Due | Upon Receipt* |
Penalty | 18th of the Month |
Eligible for Discontinuance | 30 Days After Bill Issue |
** There are no penalty waivers for “I didn’t get a bill.” Please reach out to our office if you have not received your bill by the 7th.
The discontinuance process begins with 1 free notification. Subsequent notifications are issued bi-weekly and fees apply per the rate schedule and in accordance with the Utility Services Tenants Rights Act of 1978.
Should you find yourself in a situation where you are unable to make a payment on time and in full, please reach out to us immediately.
MAWSA reserves the right to adjust this schedule at its discretion.
MAWSA is a municipal entity and therefore balances are subject to municpal lien, and are not regulated by the Public Utility Commission.
Rental Account
- Default Account Setting
- Owner is the only party with an account number. All users with access to that account number can see the balances for all locations under that account number.
- Personal, secure, wallets for each login created, regardless of shared account number.
- Autopay will pay all of the location balances on the account number.
- Bills will always be sent to the owner. Copies may go to property manger and tenant as chosen by the owner.
- Alternate Account Setting
- Tenant is provided an account number. Owner has a separate account number.
- Personal, secure wallets for each login created under that account number.
- Owner will continue to receive bills. Property owners can also receive copies.
- Autopay can be used by tenant. Autopay will only pay for that 1 location.
Higher Usage
While higher usage than normal can be expected when performing some seasonal activities at your home such as car washing, irrigation of yard or garden, pool fill-up, or heavier laundry and shower activity while hosting visitors, it may be due to a leak somewhere in your home. This could be more obvious, such as a leak in a pipe or near your water heater, or it could be one that is less noticeable where the leak runs through the plumbing and flows out of the home through the sewer system. While not obvious, these types of leaks are fairly easy to troubleshoot.
Hauled Waste
MAWSA’s treatment plant receives a variety of waste streams.
All haulers who wish to offload with MAWSA (new customer or renewal) should complete a Waste Hauler Permit Application. We renew all permits on a biennial basis.
Note: If you are hauling any Non-Standard Waste Streams (typically industrial waste or wash waters) you will need to complete a Non-Standard Permit Application and order an initial lab analysis.
Hours of Operation:
Mon – Thurs | 6:30am – 5:30pm
Fri | 6:30am – 3:00pm (Except designated Holidays)
The only location to discharge truck hauled wastes in Manheim is at the Wastewater Treatment Plant discharge site, 135 Rettew Lane, Manheim, PA 17545.